Salt House Eco-Tourism Resort

Bringing Fiji’s early history to life

Fantasy Island has a unique traditional and historical background that evolved from a romantic legend that dates back to several hundred years.

The name Fantasy is symbolic to the legend and the whole fantasy development is an attribute to this long for¬gotten legend of this land called Fantasy Island. Several hundred years ago, the area of swamp and marsh that is today the Fantasy Island was a place where the highland Fijians congregated on an annual basis to process salt from sea water by boiling it in clay pots. The full legend is attached as an appendix, but it is an interesting part of the local history. The Highland Fijians built a large Bure (they called it the Salt House, where they stayed while making the salt). The legend is a classic love story but it makes the perfect foundation for a true eco-resort, a form of tourism that is not available in the Nadi Tourism
Plan region and a concept that would sensationally at¬tract young people to visit the site of this hidden legend for an itaukei girl and boy who met secretly here.

The land for this project has been created as a mangrove reserve and set aside and planting is already well established. “We are creating a true coastal sub-tropical forest around a series of canals and shallow waterways that will be reminiscent of the topography of the era when Salt making was a cultural tradition of the itaukei”.

The Salt House Eco-resort will add even more depth to the tourism offerings in the Fantasy/Juxta Beach precincts and will make investment in the area a very secure proposition.